Administrative liability
D.Lgs. 231/01
Legislative Decree 231/2001 implements a series of community provisions which exempt entities from administrative liability for crimes committed by their directors or employees for the benefit of the entities themselves, if they demonstrate that they have adopted an Administrative Risk Management System compliant with Decree itself.
It is a system of analysis, management and control of all the systems applied in the company, and becomes the link between all the mandatory and voluntary standards that the company has created and wants to implement.
Adopting an administrative risk management and control system pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01 including the Code of Ethics and RISK MANAGEMENT management protocols is contemplated by Legislative Decree 81/08.
The methodology adopted for the consultancy services of WP HOPRIZONS aims to create an Internal Control System built from the following components:
- Internal Environment Analysis;
- Goals definition;
- Identification of critical events;
- Risk assessment;
- Risk Response;
- Control activity;
- Information and communication;
- Monitoring.

Piazza S. Antonino 2
19015 Levanto (SP) - Italy
Telefono: +39 0187 1583369
P.Iva 01449870110