Workplace health and safety
D.Lgs 81/2015
Risk Assesment:
The consolidated safety text proposed by Legislative Decree 81/08 has introduced significant innovations regarding the assessment of risks in the workplace.
The service given by WP HORIZONS offers a complete consultancy service aimed at the regularization of any type of company, focuses on:
- Fact-finding inspection to verify the compliance of structures, systems, equipment, materials used and operating methods.
- Processing of the Company Risk Assessment Document as defined by Legislative Decree 81/2008 risks associated with the working environment, chemical risk, risk of working mothers, noise risk, mechanical vibration risk, fire risk, load handling risk, stressrisk.
- Preparation of appointing letters for people in charge of safety (Head of the Prevention and Protection Service, Workers' Safety Representative, Emergency Officers, Safety Officers).
- Safety plans (SP) and operating procedures for system management in relation to the activities performed.
- Information activities regarding the protection of health, hygiene and safety in the workplace pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/2008.
RSPP appointment(Head of the Risk Prevention and Protection Service)
WP HORIZONS offers the possibility of taking over the RSPP assignment by adequately trained competent personnel.
It also guarantees the communication to the competent authority (with preparation of the report on the progress of accidents that occurred within the workplace in the last three years) and the performance of the tasks envisaged by Legislative Decree 81/2008 for the figure of RSPP.

Piazza S. Antonino 2
19015 Levanto (SP) - Italy
Telefono: +39 0187 1583369
P.Iva 01449870110